How Is Coffee Processed From Bean To Brew?

Are you curious about how your beloved cup of coffee goes from mere beans to a deliciously brewed beverage? Look no further, as this article takes you on a journey through the fascinating process of coffee processing. From the moment the coffee berries are harvested to the final step of preparing your perfect cup, each stage plays a crucial role in extracting the rich flavors and aromas that awaken your senses. Embark on this exploration and discover the intricate world behind your daily dose of caffeine.

How Is Coffee Processed From Bean To Brew?

Harvesting the Coffee Cherries

When it comes to harvesting coffee cherries, there are three main methods: selective picking, strip picking, and machine picking. Each method has its own advantages and is chosen based on the specific circumstances.

Selective Picking

Selective picking is considered to be the most labor-intensive but also the most meticulous method of harvesting coffee cherries. With this method, skilled workers carefully handpick only the ripest cherries from the coffee plant. This ensures that only the highest quality beans make it into your cup of coffee.

The advantage of selective picking is that it allows for a more uniform ripeness level among the cherries, resulting in a more consistent flavor profile. Additionally, because only ripe cherries are selected, the overall quality of the beans is often higher.

Strip Picking

Strip picking, on the other hand, involves harvesting all the cherries on a coffee plant in one go. Instead of selecting individual ripe cherries, workers strip all the cherries off the branches. This method is more efficient and less time-consuming than selective picking.

While strip picking may not offer the same level of precision as selective picking, it can still yield good quality coffee beans. It is often used in situations where a large volume of cherries needs to be harvested quickly, such as on larger coffee farms.

Machine Picking

Machine picking is a modern method of harvesting coffee cherries that involves the use of mechanical harvesters. These machines are equipped with rotating spindles or attachments that can strip the cherries from the branches.

Machine picking is the most efficient method in terms of speed and labor productivity. It significantly reduces the need for manual labor, making it a cost-effective option for large-scale coffee production. However, it does have some drawbacks. The machines are not as precise as human hands and may collect less ripe or overripe cherries, resulting in a lower overall quality of the beans.

Processing Methods

Once the coffee cherries have been harvested, they go through various processing methods to transform them into the coffee beans that we are familiar with. The three main processing methods are wet processing, dry processing, and semi-dry processing.

Wet Processing

Wet processing, also known as washed processing, involves removing the outer fruit layer of the coffee cherries before drying the beans. After the cherries are harvested, they are immediately soaked in water to facilitate the removal of the fruit pulp. This is done using specialized machinery that separates the outer skin and pulp from the beans.

The beans are then fermented in water tanks for a certain period of time to remove any remaining mucilage. Afterwards, they are thoroughly washed and finally dried. Wet processing is known for producing clean and bright flavors, allowing the distinct characteristics of the coffee bean to shine through.

Dry Processing

Dry processing, also called natural processing, is the oldest method of processing coffee. With this method, the whole coffee cherries are dried directly under the sun, without removing the outer fruit layer. The cherries are spread out on large patios or raised beds, and they are regularly turned to ensure even drying.

During the drying process, the coffee cherries undergo a fermentation phase that imparts distinct flavors to the beans. Dry processing often results in a more fruity and complex cup of coffee, with a heavier body and lower acidity compared to wet processed coffee.

Semi-dry Processing

As the name suggests, semi-dry processing combines elements of both wet and dry processing methods. With this method, the coffee cherries are partially pulped to remove some of the outer fruit layer, but not all of it. This allows for a controlled fermentation process while still retaining some of the natural sugars from the fruit.

After being partially pulped, the coffee cherries are spread out to dry under the sun, similar to the dry processing method. The resulting beans exhibit a balanced flavor profile, combining acidity and sweetness in a unique way.

How Is Coffee Processed From Bean To Brew?

Pulping the Cherries

Before the coffee cherries can undergo the different processing methods, they need to go through the pulping process. This step involves the removal of the outer fruit layer to reveal the coffee beans inside.

Mechanical Pulping

Mechanical pulping is a common method used to separate the outer layer of the coffee cherries from the beans. It involves the use of specialized machines that crush the cherries, effectively separating the pulp from the beans.

The advantage of mechanical pulping is that it is fast and efficient, making it suitable for large-scale coffee production. However, this method can be quite aggressive, and if not controlled properly, it may result in damaged or broken beans, affecting the overall quality of the final product.

Manual Pulping

In contrast to mechanical pulping, manual pulping is a more traditional and hands-on approach. It typically involves using manual tools and techniques to remove the outer fruit layer from the coffee cherries.

Manual pulping requires a skilled workforce that can carefully remove the pulp without damaging the beans. This method is often used in smaller-scale coffee farms or specialty coffee production, where attention to detail and quality control are of utmost importance.

Fermentation and Washing

Fermentation and washing are crucial steps in the coffee processing journey, regardless of the method used. These steps help to remove any remaining fruit residues and enhance the flavors of the coffee beans.


Fermentation is the natural process in which microorganisms break down the remaining pulp or mucilage from the coffee beans. During fermentation, the beans are often soaked in water tanks or fermentation tanks for a specific period of time.

This fermentation period can vary depending on the desired flavor profile and the type of coffee being produced. It is during this process that the sugars in the fruit residues are converted into acids, contributing to the distinct flavors of the coffee beans.


Following fermentation, the coffee beans go through a washing process to remove the fermented residue. The beans are thoroughly rinsed with clean water to ensure that any remaining unwanted substances are removed.

Washing plays a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and quality of the beans. It helps to remove any off-flavors or potential defects that could negatively impact the taste of the final brew.

How Is Coffee Processed From Bean To Brew?

Drying the Coffee Beans

After the cherries have been pulped, fermented, and washed, the coffee beans are not yet ready for roasting. They need to go through a drying process to reduce their moisture content and stabilize them for storage and transportation.

Sun Drying

Sun drying is the most traditional and widely used method for drying coffee beans. The beans are spread out on large patios or raised beds and left to dry under the direct sunlight.

This method requires favorable weather conditions with ample sunlight and low humidity. It can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks for the coffee beans to reach the desired moisture level. Sun drying allows the beans to develop unique flavors, influenced by the local climate and environmental factors.

Mechanical Drying

Mechanical drying is a more controlled and efficient method of drying coffee beans. In this process, the beans are placed in specially designed machines that use hot air or low-temperature heat to accelerate the drying process.

Mechanical drying is often used in regions where the climate is not conducive to sun drying or during periods of adverse weather conditions. It allows for more precise control over the drying time and temperature, ensuring a consistent and uniform moisture content in the beans.

Patio Drying

Patio drying is a variation of sun drying that involves the use of large patios or concrete surfaces for drying the coffee beans. The beans are spread out on these patios and regularly turned to ensure even drying.

This method provides a combination of sun drying and mechanical drying benefits. The coffee beans benefit from the direct exposure to sunlight while also being protected from unfavorable weather conditions. Patio drying allows for a longer drying period, allowing the beans to develop deeper and more complex flavors.

Milling and Hulling

After the coffee beans have been dried, they still have an outer layer called the parchment. This parchment needs to be removed to reveal the green coffee beans underneath. The processes of milling and hulling are used to achieve this.


Milling is the initial step in the removal of the parchment from the dried coffee beans. This process involves using machinery to dry mill the beans, cracking the parchment and loosening it from the beans.

Milling helps to break down the parchment layer, making it easier to remove during the subsequent hulling process. It is an essential step in preparing the coffee beans for the final stages of processing.


Hulling is the final step in the removal of the parchment from the coffee beans. In this process, the cracked parchment is separated from the beans through the use of specialized machines.

The hulled coffee beans, also known as green coffee beans, are the final product before they are sent for sorting, grading, and roasting. Hulling ensures that the coffee beans are ready for further processing and have a clean appearance.

How Is Coffee Processed From Bean To Brew?

Sorting and Grading

Once the coffee beans have been milled and hulled, they undergo sorting and grading to separate them based on various criteria such as size, shape, color, and defects.


Sorting involves categorizing the coffee beans based on their physical characteristics. Machinery is used to separate the beans into different sizes, ensuring uniformity and consistency.

Sorting helps to remove any defective beans, foreign objects, or impurities that may have made it through the previous processing stages. It ensures that only high-quality beans proceed further in the coffee production journey.


Grading is the process of evaluating and assigning a quality grade to the coffee beans based on specific criteria. Factors such as bean size, density, moisture content, and flavor profile are taken into consideration during the grading process.

Different grading systems exist, depending on the country or region. The grading system helps coffee producers and buyers to assess the quality and value of the beans, ensuring that they meet certain standards.


Roasting is a crucial step in the coffee production process as it transforms the green coffee beans into the aromatic and flavorful beans that we are familiar with.

Light Roast

A light roast is typically roasted at a lower temperature and for a shorter duration compared to other roast levels. This allows the beans to retain more of their original flavors and characteristics.

Light roasted beans often have a lighter brown color, higher acidity, and a more delicate flavor profile. They may exhibit more pronounced fruity or floral notes, making them a popular choice for specialty coffees.

Medium Roast

Medium roast strikes a balance between preserving the bean’s origin flavors and developing intensified flavors through the roasting process. It is roasted for a slightly longer time and at a higher temperature compared to a light roast.

Medium roasted beans have a medium brown color and a well-rounded flavor profile. The acidity is slightly toned down compared to a light roast, while the sweetness and body are enhanced. Many coffee drinkers prefer medium roasted beans for their versatility and balance of flavors.

Dark Roast

Dark roast is roasted at higher temperatures and for a longer duration, resulting in beans with a dark brown or almost black color. This roast level brings out bolder and more robust flavors in the coffee beans.

Dark roasted beans often have a lower acidity and tend to exhibit rich, smoky, and caramelized flavors. The body of the coffee is usually fuller and the taste can be described as bold and intense. Dark roast coffees are popular among those who prefer a more robust and full-bodied cup of coffee.

How Is Coffee Processed From Bean To Brew?


After the coffee beans have been roasted, they need to be ground before they can be brewed. Grinding the beans helps to increase the surface area, allowing for better extraction of flavors during the brewing process.

Burr Grinder

A burr grinder is a popular choice for grinding coffee beans. This type of grinder crushes the beans between two revolving abrasive surfaces, producing a consistent grind size.

The advantage of using a burr grinder is that it allows for precise control over the grind size, ensuring that the coffee beans are ground to the desired consistency. This is important as different brewing methods require different grind sizes to achieve the best results.

Blade Grinder

Blade grinders, on the other hand, use blades to chop and grind the coffee beans. They are typically more affordable and readily available compared to burr grinders.

While blade grinders are convenient, they tend to produce a less consistent grind size compared to burr grinders. This inconsistency can affect the extraction process and result in an uneven or mediocre cup of coffee.

Manual Grinder

For those who appreciate a more hands-on approach, manual grinders offer a satisfying way to grind coffee beans. These grinders are operated by hand, often using a crank or handle mechanism to grind the beans.

Manual grinders are preferred by some coffee enthusiasts for their ability to deliver a more consistent grind size compared to blade grinders. Additionally, they can be easily adjusted to achieve different grind sizes, making them suitable for various brewing methods.

Brewing Methods

Once the coffee beans have been ground, it’s time to brew a delicious cup of coffee. There are numerous brewing methods to choose from, each offering a unique flavor profile and brewing experience.

Drip Brewing

Drip brewing, or filter brewing, is one of the most popular and widely used methods for brewing coffee. It involves pouring hot water over a filter containing ground coffee, which then drips down into a pot or cup.

Drip brewing allows for a clean and balanced cup of coffee, with the filter removing any sediment or oils that may affect the taste. This method is preferred by those who enjoy a smooth and mellow cup of coffee.

French Press

The French press, also known as a press pot or plunger pot, is a full-immersion brewing method that allows for more body and flavor extraction. Ground coffee is steeped in hot water for a few minutes before being pressed through a fine mesh filter.

French press brewing results in a bold and robust cup of coffee, with more oils and sediment retained compared to drip brewing. It provides a fuller-bodied coffee experience, often with a rich and intense flavor profile.


Espresso is a concentrated and flavorful brewing method that involves forcing pressurized hot water through finely ground coffee. It is known for its strong and intense flavors, as well as its characteristic crema layer on top.

Espresso machines use high-pressure pumps to achieve the required pressure and brewing time. The result is a small shot of highly concentrated coffee that can be enjoyed as is or used as a base for various coffee-based drinks such as cappuccinos or lattes.


Pour-over brewing is a manual and precise method that involves pouring hot water over a filter containing ground coffee. The water is poured in a slow and controlled manner, allowing for optimal extraction and flavor development.

This method emphasizes the clarity and complexity of the coffee’s flavors. By controlling variables such as water temperature, pour rate, and grind size, coffee enthusiasts can experiment and fine-tune their brew to align with their taste preferences.

In conclusion, the journey from coffee bean to brew is a fascinating process that involves multiple stages and methods. From harvesting the coffee cherries to the various processing techniques, each step contributes to the final flavor and aroma of the coffee. Whether it’s a light roast brewed with a French press or a medium roast made using a pour-over method, the choices available allow coffee lovers to experience a wide range of flavors and brewing experiences. So let your taste buds embark on a journey around the world, one cup of coffee at a time.